How to Make Adventure Your New Year's Resolution
This year, commit to spending more time outdoors and incorporate adventure into your life. We guarantee you won’t regret it!
What does adventure mean to you?
Adventure means different things to everyone - to one person it might mean tackling that mighty mountain in a distant land, and for others it could be riding your bike along the local canal. Whatever pushes you out of your comfort zone and into a space of new experiences can only add value and richness to your life.
Make Adventure Part of Your Life
Start a New Hobby
Starting a new hobby is a great way to get active and distract your mind from the daily grind, giving you a break from perpetual screen use which plagues us all. So bite the bullet and start that hobby that you’ve always wanted to start (and never got round to) - take up running, visit your nearest climbing wall, join a local sports team or simply grab your walking boots and hit the trails to explore the glorious British countryside.
Create a Bucket List
Create a bucket list to inspire you to pursue your adventurous ambitions! Write down every adventure that you want to try in 2020, no matter how small. Tick them off one by one and experience an enormous sense of satisfaction! You’re welcome.
Save Pennies For an Adventure Fund
Get yourself a jar or good old fashioned piggy bank and start by putting in £1 every day - you will be surprised how quickly it adds up! Then, you can use the money to fund an adventurous trip abroad, buy that hiking gear, or spend your summer in the sun outdoors.
Reward Yourself
At the end of a tiring day mountain biking, trad climbing or wild swimming, there’s nothing better than kicking back with a drink in hand to reflect on your experience. Of course we consider a nip of BBR to be the perfect tipple of choice, but a nice cold glass of beer from your nearest craft brewery doesn’t go amiss either.
Adventures in the outdoors make simple pleasures more vivid and meaningful. Commit to an adventurous 2020 with your favourite person or people and we’re sure it will be your best year yet! Happy exploring, we’d love to hear what you get up to and of course if Burning Barn is part of your outdoor story.